The book 'What I see - A Hurtigruten 12 day classic round voyage'

Here is a link to a photo book you can buy at Blurb. I made the book in 2012. Doris was asking for it, she could find the book anymore, so here it is again.

In March 2012 we made a trip along the Norwegian coast. The goal was to see the Northern Light. We carefully planned this trip, bearing in mind the time of sunset, sunrise, the position of the moon for those days (you can't see these Auroras when the moon is too present) and the possible temperature in Norway. Apart from the Northern Lights we saw a lot of beautiful things. A good reason to make a book.

It was a great trip, I can recommend this trip to anybody with the Hurtigruten boat service.

Here some of the photos and to order the book you have to go to Blurb.

Harrie de Fotograaf